122. DUPLICATING SUFFERING - Economics and Ethics When Experimenting With Animals

“a possible case could be made for accepting certain, limited, forms of animal experimentation but not within the current economic system because it is structurally set up to maximise, rather than minimise, the possible duplication of unnecessary suffering due to prioritising intellectual property rights over the rights of non-human (and human) animals.“

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The excellent new Philosophy A-level podcast from Simon Kirchin - Philosophy Gets Schooled - continues to put out new episodes, some of which feature Philosophy Unleashed’s DaN McKee. DaN’s on episodes about utilitarianism, war and peace, and eating animals, but there is also an excellent episode out about deontological ethics and Kant too. More are coming out each week and if you are an A-level Philosophy student they come highly recommended! Well worth a listen.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Philosophy Gets Schooled Podcast

Check out this excellent new Philosophy A-level podcast from Simon Kirchin - Philosophy Gets Schooled (and check out his other excellent philosophy podcast, Philosophy Take on the News if you have time too!).

Philosophy Unleashed’s DaN McKee is talking about utilitarianism on this episode.