141. THE VALUE OF SOCIAL MEDIA - Does It Have Any?

“I was struck by the idea that social media gives us a living example of what emotivism really would be like sufficient enough to demonstrate why Ayer is wrong about normal moral discourse. Places like Twitter or Facebook really are just expressing ‘boo’ or ‘hurrah’ about certain issues and moral discourse is rendered meaningless there.“

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137. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS - On Our Obligation to Stay Informed

“If I told a colleague or friend that I have never watched Breaking Bad or watched The Godfather, they might be surprised, even incredulous, but they could not call me irresponsible. If I told them I didn’t watch the news, however, it would be a different order of outrage.“

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136. NO GODS NO MASTER-DONS - Decolonising Twitter Migration

“The site of struggle here being the realm of social media might seem trivial to some, and online colonisation lacks the bloodshed and brutality of historical imperialisms, but as a living model it has been instructive of the sorts of behaviours we see offline too.“

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135. UNLOCKING CAGES - Language, Asylum, Immigration and Abolition

“When one takes a step back and realises that amidst all the language of ‘asylum seekers’, ‘detainees’, and ‘illegal immigrants’ what we are really talking about is human beings, it is hard not to hang your head in shame at the way our country routinely treats certain human beings.“

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Even though I’m not currently working in a school, I’m still working on school time and enjoying a half term break. We’ll be back with more Philosophy Unleashed next Monday, October 31st, perhaps for some Halloween-themed fun or perhaps not, depending on my mood. In the meantime, as always, if you’re missing PU this week enjoy our archives and, if there’s something we’re not writing about that you’d like to see, get in touch and write for us yourself!

132. BLACK HISTORY WITHOUT TEETH - On The Potential Epistemic Deficit of Black History Month

“we need to first address with students core concepts like structural racism, white supremacy and white supremacist thinking, historical constructivism, critical race theory, colonialism, ideology, education policy and curriculum design. Without that, it will be very hard for the students we teach to place any of what they learn during Black History Month into a meaningful, long-term schema of knowledge.“

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131. UNWELCOME VISITORS - When Jordan Peterson Came to Michaela

“We should have more unwelcome visitors to our schools, not fewer. More opportunities for students to ask questions and poke holes. More academic freedom to develop an enduring culture of critique and scrutiny so that ideas are never accepted without a fight. If we are worried about the young and impressionable minds of our students, it’s time that we stopped them being so impressionable.“

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130. THE TRIAL & EXECUTION OF SOCRATES - A guest writer reflects on Socrates and asks: 'is democracy a tyranny'?

“The same law which produces justice can be unjust and immoral if interpreted by a tyrant. Tyranny in democracy is almost undetectable because the whole system is depicted to be busy in the service and security of people. But what if the people become a tyranny? Sometimes the fanaticism of the majority, or the sophistry and rhetoric of the minority, can take the shield of law and trample moral codes.“

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128. THE QUEEN IS DEAD - Long Live The King

“As Britain comes to terms with the loss of its longest reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday, I was struck by the immediacy of transition from Queen to King. In an instance the previous settled gender of certain phrases - our national anthem, ‘God save the Queen’, prayers within the Church of England asking to ‘replenish her with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that she may always incline to thy will’, the pledges taken by members of parliament to ‘be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors’ - had to update and adapt.“

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- NOTICE: The Association of Philosophy Teachers -

For those who haven't heard yet, with the help of the British Philosophical Association, we are trying to establish an Association of Philosophy Teachers in the UK - a professional body for teachers of philosophy to share knowledge, good practice, contacts, and support. PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO THE BANK HOLIDAY FOR THE STATE FUNERAL OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II THE ORIGINAL DATE HAS NOW CHANGED: The next (online) meeting of this group is scheduled for TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27TH at 16:30 and we want as many UK-based philosophy teachers involved as possible!

If you want to be involved, please email - admin@bpa.ac.uk - to get joining information!


As Alice Cooper famously put it: “school’s out for the summer”. That means Philosophy Unleashed is too! However - we’ll be back in September as always. Philosophy Unleashed will still return when the new school year begins on Monday September 5th despite my sabbatical from teaching. In the meantime, if you’re bored over the summer, or perhaps a Philosophy student starting in September itching to get started, our ARCHIVES have 126 philosophy essays on a wide range of subjects. And you can always write one yourself if you can’t find anything of interest! Enjoy the break - and see you in September!

Oh - and if you are interested in having philosopher, DaN McKee, give a talk at your school, or run an in-person Philosophy Unleashed session for students, he’s taking bookings now for the 2022/23 academic year so get in touch!