87. WHEN TO LOOK AWAY - Reflecting on Christian Eriksen's Collapse

“In the days since, many have criticised the broadcasters for continuing to show traumatic footage. The collapsed player, the crying teammates, the shocked fans, the devastated wife, even the philosophical pundits shaken by what they had seen. Couldn't, in fact shouldn't, the stream have been cut and the tragedy kept as far out of the public eye as it could be?“

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85. WALKING IT OFF - Avoiding Atrophy and Learning How to Self-Govern

“The anarchist thinker, Errico Malatesta, once suggested growing up with external authority imposed upon us was like learning to walk in leg braces. We don’t even realise the imposition that is dragging us down, and the limitations put upon our ability to walk, let alone run. We simply trudge as best we can in the belief that this restricted movement is the best propulsion possible because we know no better.“

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- June Half Term 2021 -

As always the respite from teaching for a week means a respite from Philosophy Unleashed too. Take a look at the archives, enjoy the nearly one hundred articles we have amassed over the last two years of our existence, and if there’s a topic you’d like to see something written about that we haven’t yet covered then, please, write an article for us!

See you back here with new content on June 7th…

84. NO TRUE ARGUMENT - How A Basic Fallacy Stops Criticism And Prevents Peace

“That this well documented fallacy remains so effective and so frequently used is one of the frustrating reminders that knowledge of philosophy, and of the mechanics of arguments, is not necessarily a path to happiness or contentedness. Often, it simply means being fully aware that an argument is faulty, but seeing it work to convince people regardless.“

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83. SCHOOLS ARE GETTING IT WRONG AGAIN - It's Not The Uniforms, It's The Entire Broken System

“There is a sense the wheels have come off. And so the idea is we need to "get back to basics". Administer punitive sanctions for loose ties, untucked shirts, off-brand hoodies, phones and earphones. Get the kids to stand up behind their chairs in silence when the lesson begins. Ask them to remove their coats if the temperature no longer requires one. The argument goes that if the students look ready to learn, they will be ready to learn...and conversely, their currently sloppy appearance must therefore be a sign that they are not in the right mindset to do well at school.“

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It’s May Day - an International Worker’s Day in memory of the Haymarket Affair and the battle for an eight-hour work day, amongst other things. As the teaching profession encroaches more and more into the free time of its employees, and our unions do very little about it, and teachers encroach more and more into the free time of their students with endless homework and revision tasks, this week I will not be writing a new Philosophy Unleashed and encourage you instead to consider what needs to be done in your school or workplace to make the working day more humane for all? Longer or more frequent breaks? Democratic say in the decisions that impact on you rather than top-down decision making? Looser rules, or no rules at all, about what you wear? Being left to work independently without micromanagement? Being able to collaborate more with others? Whatever it is - identify it and then work on making it happen. Happy May Day from Philosophy Unleashed.

81. SHALL WE JUST BLOODLANDS IT? - The Existentialist Freedom To Say No

“It was only a four-part series, and for the first three weeks that Sunday ritual was diligently observed. On the final Sunday of the series, we talked eagerly that morning about what would happen in that evening’s finale.

And then I said something crazy: ‘but what if we don’t watch it?’“

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- The Anarchism and Punk Book Project UPDATE -

There’s been a lovely write-up HERE about what we’re trying to achieve with the anarchism and punk book project that I’d love you to check out - and remember, there’s still time to chip in for the crowdfunding to help keep costs down, pay translators, etc… https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-anarchism-and-punk-book-project

- Easter Holiday 2021 -

Two weeks away from the horrific hustle and bustle of a busy school in the middle of an ongoing pandemic. Two weeks of not having to wear a mask from 8:30am - 3:30pm. Two weeks of not having to shudder at the number of student noses I see each and every lesson as their flimsy face coverings slip down and put us all at risk. Two weeks of finally letting my hands rehydrate from all the cheap bulk-buy hand sanitiser. And, as always, two weeks away from Philosophy Unleashed.

If you miss your fix of new philosophy during the holiday lull, please do some yourself and write us something (submissions HERE). We’ll be back again with a new post every Monday morning at 8am from April 19th.

79. OFFENSIVE IMAGES - An Ethic of Kindness

“In my classroom, I don’t feel my free-speech is threatened, or my right as a non-Muslim to draw or see images of a Prophet I don’t believe in impeded, if I refrain from showing images to my students which I know violates their beliefs. It is an act of kindness to them, not an act of repression to me.“

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- The Anarchism and Punk Book Project -

Hi all - I’m writing a chapter for an upcoming collection of books on Anarchism and Punk, coming out later this year on Active Distribution. In a bid to keep it both DIY and global we want to fund things like translation costs and contributor copies, as well as keep distribution costs low, through crowdfunding. If you’re able and interested in supporting the project - please check out the link: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-anarchism-and-punk-book-project

Many thanks for your support!

- DaN

78. TESTING OUR PATIENCE - Why Not Everyone Who Is Back At School Is Getting an Education

“As I sat registering my form of Year 13 students and preparing to go teach my Year 11s, I asked them how they were feeling about being brought back to school in a pandemic to not be taught anything new and just focus on revision for an upcoming series of assessments? Not a single one was happy about it. Not a single student felt they were being “educated” anymore. They were there merely to be prepped for probing, so that they could amass as many “data points” as the school needed in order to give them a final letter or number and rank their so-called accomplishments.“

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77. TIME TO EVOLVE ON GENDER - Why We Can't Ethically Support An Exclusionary Binary

“If you suggested that women should be barred from having the same rights as men because of their reproductive organs you would be laughed at or face a lawsuit for discrimination. We have overcome these old ways of thinking with technological, intellectual and emotional advances which have rendered the old narratives obsolete. Yet for some reason the myth of gender norms seems harder for people to shake despite the obvious failings of the binary male/female model.“

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